Monday grab bag

Published: Mon, 07/11/16

Wow. It was certainly a busy weekend for me! I don't know where it all went...

Spent 3 hours in Costco with 4 kids. Got 2 new cell phones. They need to streamline their service in this department - all very manual, print-focused, and no regard for automation or keeping the customer from bringing down the whole operation.

I won't go into a rant here, mostly to spare you, but also because it's really not that bad. I tend to look at things from a process improvement standpoint and there are some glaring areas ripe for improvement :)

But I will say Verizon has a good thing going. They are completely subscription-based, as far as I can tell. You literally don't pay up front for a phone anymore; you simply pay for the phone in monthly installments. Plus a huge service charge. And data is extra.

Great way to monetize, you money-grubbing fiends!

I'm not upset. I've been with them for 12 years now and I've nary a problem. Gotta pay to play! First world problems and all...

Speaking of which (technology!), there are a couple deals worth mentioning.

Camtasia is on sale at half off at AppSumo. They say it's their last Camtasia deal ever. Of course, I don't know if that's real or false scarcity. But I do know this: You don't get Camtasia at half off every day. It's pretty rare, unless you're a Udemy instructor, in which case, you can get Camtasia through them at a 50% discount (bet you didn't know that).

This one is HUGE (YOOG!!!): StackSocial is having an "Ultimate PC Bundle" sale (sorry not sorry, Mac users): 
I've used CC Cleaner (free version) for over a decade. Pro essentially adds real-time monitoring and a couple other benefits. It's what I use to keep my PC clean.

I have not bitten the bullet yet on Scrivener, a writing tool that has a whole host of great features for writers. I think it's time.

And Scapple is something I picked up a couple months ago. It's a mind-mapping tool that is just, well, better than the rest. Take a look at their product page and you'll see what I mean.

Those are 3 very compelling products. I suggest you take a serious look at the bundle. I'll be buying it as soon as I'm done sending this email.

Last but not least: 

Paul Myers, a long-time subscriber, re-published my "dead people everywhere - this time cops" yesterday. I have been a subscriber of his for a long time, much longer than he's been of mine. I am HONORED that he re-posted the contents of my email to you from last week.

He's one of the really good guys in internet marketing.

An excerpt, in case you didn't read it (and shame on you - wagging my finger at you right now). LOL.

"Look, we're all in this together. We can kill each other until there's one left standing (WWE Royal Rumble, anyone?) or we can put our small differences aside, come together, shake hands, and be better at this human thing."

I believe this with all my heart. We do have complex issues to resolve but I think the above is the critical first step in addressing them.

Okay, I'm off the soapbox for now. Hope you had a wonderful weekend and are recharged to get after it this week!

Thanks, Paul, and to all of my new subscribers who now know about me: Thanks to you, too, and welcome aboard

Until next time,

Tribe Leader

Disclaimer: Some links I mention in my emails are to resources where I'm an affiliate. When you click and decide to buy, I earn a commission. I'm proud to recommend those resources I've purchased, reviewed, or personally use in my own business. You should always perform your own due diligence before buying from anyone via the Internet or offline.