You don't do this

Published: Wed, 06/29/16

Yesterday, I "wrote" a really long post about content creation.

Thing is, I didn't write it. I used what my friend Nathan Zadworny wrote, modified it a tad, and sent it out to you.

I have been sicker than I can remember. Except for that time I almost died when my appendix burst and left me in the hospital for a week.

Yeah, that was worse.

But this stomach virus SUCKS! Stomach is still a mess. And you know, every kid in the house is going to get it. First Finn, then Liam, then me.

Conneely got it last night. Gramma got it, too.

I feel like we're reprising Agatha Christie's "Ten Little Indians," aka "And Then There Were None."

Anyway...I digress, as I often do.

Here's a summary of how to create awesome content, with a bonus at the end, if you "buy in."

Every day, sit down, create. I don't care what it is. Just make it the first thing you do in the morning. It could be a blog post, a video, a PowerPoint, or a podcast. I don't care. 

Brainstorm: What does your audience want today?

Do it up, BIG. Then break it down into small, bite-size chunks. For example, if it's a video, create from the original a little "teaser" and put it out there. Write up a transcript or a cheatsheet and give it away on your blog (lead magnet?).

Spread that stuff around - post it to twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Medium, forums, etc. 

"Re-cast" that content into many different forms and get it "out there."

It's not hard. Just do it. You have information others are in need of. You're doing your audience (even if it's an audience of one--your mom), a disservice if you don't share your expertise.

Want to learn more?

Until next time,

Tribe Leader

PS - 

--> My friend Nathan is selling the course in the link above. If you buy through one of those links, I'll give you--as a bonus--a book I've never given away or sold before outside the Kindle ecosystem. Just click the link and when you buy, you'll be given a special URL to my bonus content (The Ultimate Guide to Blogging - Content).

Disclaimer: Some links I mention in my emails are to resources where I'm an affiliate. When you click and decide to buy, I earn a commission. I'm proud to recommend those resources I've purchased, reviewed, or personally use in my own business. You should always perform your own due diligence before buying from anyone via the Internet or offline.