Easiest marketing in the world, part 2

Published: Fri, 06/17/16

Yesterday, we chatted about affiliate marketing and the "dirty little secret" in the IM world.

Here's a snippet:

The dirty little secret in internet marketing is what I call "inside-out marketing." Here's how it works:
  1. Mr. Marketer creates a product and puts it up for sale.
  2. He uses a popular "affiliate network." He offers to pay 100% commissions on front-end products. (The money is in the back-end.)
  3. Mr. Marketer and his affiliates sell hundreds, maybe thousands of products. 
  4. He gets all of those buyers on his email list.
  5. Mr. Marketer then signs up to all the affiliate offers at the aforementioned affiliate network.
  6. Mr. Marketer then "sells" his email subscribers affiliate offers from other marketers.
In short, if Mr. Marketer is savvy, he'll create one hugely successful product, collect thousands of email addresses, and then sell his customers affiliate products every.damned.day.

Now, you can choose to be pissed off about that. Go ahead. Or just drop it.

OR, learn something from it.

There is a HUGE lesson to be learned. What is it?

Affiliate marketing is the answer. 

You can literally skip steps #1, 2, 3, and 5. 

Why not #4? 

Because you're a fool if you don't collect email addresses!

Many affiliate marketers do not collect email addresses. They find an offer, post something about it on their own website, and drive traffic to their site, using their affiliate link in their copy.

The goal is to get a visitor to click the link, proceed to the sales page for the product vendor, and checkout, getting a commission on the sale.

And that's fine.

But what's better is this:

Most product vendors create assets that their affiliates can use to "pre-sell" their visitors. Stuff like rebrandable reports, banners, and articles.

The key is that first one: Rebrandable reports. 

Here's what you do:

You make a blog post. At the end of the post, insert a banner, image, or link to this free report. 

We call this a "content upgrade."

Your website visitor is presented with an optin form to get the report. You collect his email address and then deliver the report. Thrive Themes offers this functionality. 

Now, since your affiliate links are in the report, if your new subscriber buys the product through your link, you earn a commission.

But better still: You're building your own email list of subscribers!

You can set up an autoresponder that draws out one key point a day from the report. Or add something new. Or clarify something in the report.

Bottom line: You now control the sales process.

AND - you keep that subscriber engaged. 

AND - you can continue to market other offers to your subscriber that you think would be beneficial to her.

Now, what do you do if your product vendor doesn't offer rebrandable reports? You have to do a little more work. Maybe you create a checklist of what's inside the product. Or perhaps you create your own report with affiliate links in it.

Make sense?

Until next time,

Join my "Tribe" on Facebook

PS - This is still available. Go get it before it's gone.

Disclaimer: Some links I mention in my emails are to resources where I'm an affiliate. When you click and decide to buy, I earn a commission. I'm proud to recommend those resources I've purchased, reviewed, or personally use in my own business. You should always perform your own due diligence before buying from anyone via the Internet or offline.