
Published: Fri, 06/24/16

Up until a few months ago, I'd never heard of "Brexit."

Now, it's all you hear and read about.

What is Brexit? Does it even matter?

The backstory:

Go read that. It's a short read and will tell it better than I can.

But I will summarize.

The United Kingdom voted to leave the European Union yesterday. Scotland voted to remain within it. I guess they are not so "united" any more.

While the citizens of England barely voted to leave (52 percent to leave, 48 percent to stay), Scotland voted 62 percent to stay.

Now there's talk about Scotland wishing to break off from England and gain (re-gain?) their full independence.

And the financial markets are going nuts. The British Pound is at a 31-year low. Stock markets are severely down (US futures indexes predict a 500-point drop in the Dow).

What does all this mean? Anything? Bueller...

(Kinda funny since Ben Stein, the guy who said that famous movie line is a hack of an economist.)

There is NOTHING wrong with having a job! It gives you self-worth. But you work for yourself. And only YOU can decide to fire you. Nobody else:


Look, I know: People in our little niche of the world say "Don't replace your job with a business that becomes a job."

If you rely on some other entity for a job, expect to be disappointed. Make your own job.

 - create value. Find a market that needs what you know. Sell it to them. Build that audience. Cater to them. Listen to their needs and wants. Build more value.Except this

Nothing. I mean, there's nothing you can do.

What should you do?

You'll see figurative (if not literal) walls go up around England and maybe here in America.

At the end of the day, things will even out. But in the interim, you're going to see layoffs, steep declines in financial markets (your 401k will shrivel up again, just like 7 or 8 years ago), and businesses closing.
Nope. YOU control your own destiny. YOU decide who you hire and fire. YOU decide that even though (or maybe because of) the world around you may seem like it's going to hell in a handbasket, YOU are going to succeed.

YOU create value. YOU share that value with the world.

Damn the torpedoes! Make your own way.

Until next time,

Tribe Leader

PS - Don't forget about this, especially if you're a WordPress junkie.


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