10 million words

Published: Wed, 06/15/16

Yesterday, I talked about becoming "barely famous."

Today, my kid became barely famous. He scored more "AR points" than any kid in his school (it's a K-8 school).

Rowan's in third grade.

His teachers said he read well over 10,000,000 words. They called him up last to announce this stunning feat.

His brother also was called up because he read about 5,000,000 words.

Funny story: Rowan's teachers asked him before the awards ceremony if he'd prepared his speech.

He looked startled. But then the wheels started turning, and you could tell he was putting one together in his head.

Alas, they didn't make him give a speech. But I'm confident he would have killed it.

Because the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

The point?

Be prepared to be surprised. Sometimes, life--or business--throws you a curve and you best either take that pitch or swing at it.

But commit.

Commit to something. Just like my kid did. After he finished 3rd last year in AR points, he decided he was going to beat the winning score this year, by over 40 percent.

Yes, last year the high score was 700. Rowan got 300. He committed to 1,000 points this year. 

He got 1,400.

And then when his teachers set him up to thinking he had to give a speech, he committed to giving one.

So please, commit to something today. Whether it's your business, your personal life, or a cause.

And remember, there are 3 things you absolutely need if you want to succeed online:
  1. A website. WordPress is the way to go, especially if you follow my lead. You need a good theme, a great page builder, and a way to capture email addresses.
  2. An Email Service Provider (ESP) like Aweber to collect email addresses and send out helpful information to your subscribers, people who really care about what you have to share.
  3. A monetization strategy. You can host ads, create your own products & services, or pre-sell affiliate offers. Or some combination of all three.
Commit to those 3 things, and you will go far.

Until next time,

Join my "Tribe" on Facebook

Disclaimer: Some links I mention in my emails are to resources where I'm an affiliate. When you click and decide to buy, I earn a commission. I'm proud to recommend those resources I've purchased, reviewed, or personally use in my own business. You should always perform your own due diligence before buying from anyone via the Internet or offline.