Worst subject line ever?

Published: Tue, 06/07/16

"To use this site, you must accept cookies" is what the subject line read.

Anybody who knows me well, knows I love cookies. Chocolate chip is my fave.

But most internet cookies suck :)

The funny thing: (well, two things, actually)
  1. Cookies help advertising. Advertising keeps the internet mostly free. Enable internet cookies. Don't ad block, either.
  2. That crappy subject line got the geek in me to read the email!
There you go! Even crummy subject lines get the click. IF you know your audience. And Windows Secrets knows me.


I've been a big fan of Microsoft and Windows for a long, long time. In fact, since I bought my third computer in 1994 or 1995.

Yes, Windows has come a long way since then. Windows 10 on a screaming desktop is pretty awesome.

Do I like everything Microsoft does? Are they scammy? No and Yes.

But all in all, as far as operating systems go, I like 'em. I like MS Office, too.

Something else I like? Webinar JEO! It's a great webinar hosting platform.

I've seen it in action and I've also "played around" with it a bit.

I have to say - it's better than Google Hangouts. I'll be giving it a full test pretty soon. 

Want to join me? Just say "yes."

Have a great day!

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$2 Cheatsheets.

PS - Don't delay - I hear the price is either going way up or they're just closing down the offer. I'm not sure. If you're on the fence, decide pretty soon.