Why I write every day

Published: Wed, 05/11/16

Internet Marketing Muscle
You know, there are a ton of theories on writing, writing frequency, sales copy, email marketing, and the lot.

One "guru" may say to email every day. Another will recommend to email only when necessary.

Some authors sit down in the same place, at the same time, every day to write.

Others write when inspired.

Some copy writers will tell you that "long form" salesletters work best. Others will tell you don't even bother with writing - video is the key!
Guess what the real answer is:

It depends.

I'm not being flippant (hey, there's a $5 word for ya!); I'm being honest.

It all depends.

You may notice that I send at least one email every day to you.

(Whether or not you read it is another story altogether!)

But I write. Every day.

It's the only way for me to keep on top of my craft.

Because at the heart of it, it's what all of us do who market or sell online.

We write.

Even if it's a video we ultimately publish, most of us write something (script, notes, or mind map) to guide us in what is said/presented in the video.

I know I do it that way. Can't speak for anybody else.

And that right there is the point - you have to couple your audience's needs/wants with your own.

Find that happy medium.

Guys who tell you to sell something in email every day (and 4 times on Sunday!) are not really being analytical with their methods.

They say, "Well, this works better than that."

But they don't ask "Why?"

Maybe--just maybe--there's a reason it "works better."

Or maybe it doesn't really work better.

Sure, on the short end, you sell more stuff. But you turn part of your audience off and they never even open what you send them.

The long-term effects could be totally unforeseen. 

Worse yet, they could be completely unknowable.

I mean, you don't know what you don't know.

So, to sum it all up - do what's right for you AND your audience. (Hell, maybe even ask.)

(Better yet, tell them up front how often they'll get emails.)

Of course, this thoughtful exam of your yin and your audience's yang extends to more than just email.

It's everything you write: Your blog, your sales copy, your social media posts.

Unfortunately, there is no "one-size-fits-all" answer.

Go forth and examine. Try stuff. Ask. Do the opposite of what seems intuitive. Look at your results.

The beauty--and curse--of marketing online is that you can try a million different things and track it all.

Of course, if you get too deep in the weeds, you'll lose sight of the prize, get stuck in analysis paralysis, and stop dead in your tracks.

Or, you can do what I do (and many others who are too lazy to analyze all this):

Just do what you want :)

I know. I said all that up there for nothin'. 

Point being: Ain't nothing wrong with doing things your way. Just don't ever think it's the best way unless you've actually matched it up against another way and see a distinct difference in results.

Now, go get my book!

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