I'm going to lose some people today - and I don't care

Published: Mon, 05/16/16

Internet Marketing Muscle
I don't normally write about negative stuff. I hope you appreciate that.

But today, I want to get something off my chest. 

It's about somebody well-known and connected in the IM industry.

Whom I believe to be a fraud.
I won't blame you if you choose not to read this.

I know some of you may side with him and hate me for this. That's okay. If you think his behavior is "good marketing," I don't want you on my lilst.

Simple as that.
Before I go too far down the rabbit hole, and risk getting sued by this guy (he's sued people before for defamation and gloated about winning), let me define fraud for you..

Fraud (from Findlaw.com):

Fraud is a broad term that refers to a variety of offenses involving dishonesty or "fraudulent acts". In essence, fraud is the intentional deception of a person or entity by another made for monetary or personal gain.

Let that sink in a moment.

Here's the gist of the straw that broke the camel's back (there's a long backstory to our mutual disdain for one another - he has a pattern of this kind of behavior):
First off, this isn't about Trump. Like him or hate him, he's great at drawing attention to himself.

But the concept behind the tactic they're each using is fraud.

Remember, "fraud is the intentional deception of a person...by another made for monetary or personal gain."

There is NO DOUBT that calling up a member of the media and pretending to be somebody else while touting yourself for personal gain is fraud.

Maybe not criminal fraud. But any reasonable person would consider that tactic to be fraud.

I'm no lawyer, so don't take this to be a legal opinion.

Let's break it down:

EBR (as he's known in the IM circle - the name his mama gave him is Eric Rosenberg) admits he pretended to be a PR guy and called some media organizations touting himself. 

I mean, he says it right there.

Now, if this were just a prank, and EBR meant not to gain in any way financially or personally from this, then I suppose you could just say it was all in fun.

He is a funny guy, in fact. Quite the comedian. I say that with 100% sincerity. I've talked to him, in person and on Facebook.

But he is deriving personal and financial gain from this. 

He's gearing up to sell a new course. Get this - the title is "Expert Fame."

Needless to say, I won't be promoting it. 

Now, of course, I don't know what he's teaching. 

But I am a firm believer in not endorsing or supporting anything from dishonest people.

I have my doubts about a lot of folks in the internet marketing world. But I know definitively how I feel about Brian.

I don't like him and he's clearly dishonest.

Remember, this isn't defamation: You can dislike anybody you choose and dishonesty is right there in the screenshot.

He's pretended to be somebody he's not. Further, he's done it for personal gain.

That's fraud. Clear and simple.

Choose to buy his course. That's your call. I don't care one way or the other.

What I do care about is somebody bragging about how they lied just last week in order to tout themselves with the media, just in advance of a course he's launching teaching people how to attain "expert fame."

That's bullshit. You know it and he knows it.

It's also creepy. But that's a topic for another email. Not today. I'll spare you.

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