Well, that was fun...NOT...but here's a good book on writing effective copy

Published: Wed, 11/16/16

Hey there,

In case you didn't notice, and you probably didn't, I've been away for a while.

Concentrating on rekindling an old project.

And to say that the past few weeks didn't offer their fair share of excitement and reason for holing up in a cave, well, I'd say you were living under a rock if you didn't watch, at least with a little awe, the 2016 election.

As the days wore down to November 8, my belief that Clinton would win dwindled. All the way to me thinking she couldn't win. 

If you follow me on Facebook, you saw my prediction (Trump wins).

It's over. I beat the prognosticators. But I don't feel like I won anything though, y'know?

I feel like America lost. Not so much because Trump won or Clinton lost but because of the nastiness of the process. 18 months of monkeys throwing feces at one another.

Anyway, I found a bigass book on writing copy. I think you'll like it:

The Robert Collier Letter Book (back when they were actually called sales letters). Won't cost you a penny.
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