More tools?

Published: Mon, 08/01/16

Friday, I sent out a list of software I use on my laptop.

Several of you asked what I install on my desktop. And a couple of you wanted to know what else I used, as in websites and browser extensions.

More on all of that later, in other emails.

Today, I want to talk about productivity.

But not in get-more-done-in-less-time variety.

Nope. More to the point. Most of us get in our own way.

I admit - I have a gift. Maybe it's a talent or skill. I don't know what it is, exactly.

But know that it gives me an advantage.

I know how to get out of my way and accomplish a LOT. When I feel like it :)

I call it, "Getting shit done," but I think that title has already been taken.

See, I use tools to make everything I do go faster. But if you don't have the right mindset, you can have a shop full 'o tools and Noah still can't build his ark (but these guys did).

Now, I'm NOT trying to get all metaphysical on ya. I don't mean mindset in the hokey entrepreneurial Tony Robbins way.

I mean getting down to business: I want to accomplish this, here's how I do it, and I get it done.

Three things help:
I'm not one of those who can go to a coffee shop or library and work. I can go there to research, read, de-compress, and "pre-think." That IS work, but it's not creative. I'm talking here about creating assets that I can sell or use to get more business.

I need my office to really get down to business. I have whiteboards, headphones, music, and all the tools on my desktop PC, readily available.

I also need to be well-rested and relaxed. This means I needed to get 7-8 hours of full-on sleep the night before. Interestingly, my best "creative productivity" comes later in the day, usually after I work out.

The body is tired, but the brain is ready to fire on all cylinders. I've listened to great music, worked my ass off, sweated a lot, and purged my body of negative thoughts.

(Some of my best workouts come when I'm upset about something.)

Plus, I'm usually super-relaxed by this point.

Last, the pre-thinking.

"Bill," you may ask, "what does that even mean?"

It means I literally use my subconscious to do the "work" before it gets put down on digital paper (that could mean typing or talking, in front of a camera or not). 

I won't go into the pre-thinking process I use just yet. Look for that in a later email.

Until next time,

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PS - Fast Conversion Formula is still up for sale. If you're not getting sales from all the hard work you do, it's your conversion process. You need to fix that.

Disclaimer: Some links I mention in my emails are to resources where I'm an affiliate. When you click and decide to buy, I earn a commission. I'm proud to recommend those resources I've purchased, reviewed, or personally use in my own business. You should always perform your own due diligence before buying from anyone via the Internet or offline.