Just so you know

Published: Wed, 07/27/16

My friend, Nathan Zadworny, has just published another course.

This time, it's about conversions.

Now, I would bet that most of you know what a conversion is.

But for those who don't:

A conversion is simply a person taking an action you want them to take.

For example, if you send somebody to a sales page, you want them to click the "buy" button. (The conversion really happens once they pay you.)

Another example: Your popup optin form. If somebody enters their email addy and clicks the submit button, you've "converted" them.

They simply took the action you wanted them to take.

Easy peasy.

What's not so easy (more like peasy, which only conjures up an image of my first son spitting mashed peas all over the wall when he first began to eat "real food") is actually making that happen.

As they say, "easier said than done."

Well, Nathan breaks it all down into easily digestible and actionable chunks. Give it a look. I think you'll learn a lot from it.

Until next time,

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