what, you don't like tacos?

Published: Wed, 10/18/17

Are you ALIVE, man?

Everybody likes tacos.

Anyway, if you didn't read yesterday's email, you missed out, bigly.

Today, I want to talk a little about standing out in a crowd.

Some people say, "Be different."

And I say, "That isn't enough."

Tiny Tim was different. Weird Al Yankovic was successful (and different).

If you don't get the references, you are young. Consider yourself blessed.

They both were weird. One had talent, the other, well, not so much. But both were famous.

I suspect only one made money. Gobs of it. And in the entertainment world, money is a good keeper of scores.

Yes, you cannot be the same as everybody else. But you already aren't. You're you. Only you can tell your story.

I think a lot of grief in the business world comes from trying to be like everybody else. If your competition brings out a new product or service, you think you need to do the same.

I'm here to tell you that's all BS. Bull puckey. Horse crap.

Do YOU. Do YOU well.

Now, even if you do decide to offer the same product as your competitor, you can still be different.

The easiest way? Do that thing better.

Yes, you can be different just by being better. Offer a quality product.

Instead of the crap everybody else puts out there.

If you make hamburgers, be better than Red Robin or The Habit or Five Guys or In and Out. Certainly be better than McDonald's (WTF is in that "meat?").

It's not really hard. Quality ingredients, cooked right, prepared in a pleasant display, delivered with value and excellent service.

It is not a difficult concept. Nobody is doing it perfectly right now. Nor will they ever.

You can do it with anything.

Sure, you may not ever be the best brain surgeon in the world. But you can be better than most.

You may not be the best writer on the planet. But I bet you can be very good with a little work and dedication.

Okay, enough of this seriousness. Now, for some fun.

Betcha can't pick MY KID out of this crowd! (That's sarcasm. Of course you can.)

"Hear me ROAR!"

HINT: "Hear me RAWR!"

Or maybe she was just yawning. But she knows how to stand out in a crowd!

Make it a great day!


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