spaghetti tacos

Published: Tue, 10/17/17

Hear me out.

I like pasta and I like tacos. So why not put them together?

Remember, the Reese's Peanut Butter cup was an odd marriage of colliding peanut butter and chocolate. It was a huge mistake.

Post-it Notes was the culmination of a failed adhesive put on the back of paper. Now look at them--they're everywhere!

I have conducted meetings at Fortune 50 companies where they use ginormous Post-it Notes and plaster brainstorming ideas all over giant conference rooms. Then they take out their company-issued cell phones to take pictures of it all.

(Why they don't do this on a computer with a projector is beyond me. Some things won't die no matter how many times you stab them.)

Years ago, I went to a talk by Lawrence Lessig. He was the lawyer that went to the Supreme Court arguing copyrights should NOT be forever (he lost). He is a proponent of "mixing and re-mixing." It's kind of a new spin on the old idea that there are no new ideas.

Everything's already been thought of, in a singular-thinking sort of way.

But putting two things that's innovation. It's "remixing," as old Larry put it in that talk.

What goofy ideas do YOU have when it comes to putting two things together? You never know when something will stick (unlike Post-It Notes that don't friggin' stick to anything. That damned glue is still crap.).


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