What's goin' on?

Published: Fri, 06/02/17

And next week, I'm "Mr. Mom" to 3 of my kids, as my wife and oldest are at science camp. Plus, I've got some major house plumbing stuff going on. The crew will be digging up my backyard, ramming a giant battering ram through the sewer, and making a ton of noise.

They say they'll be done in 2 days, 3 tops. We'll see.

Bottom line: You may not hear from me much next week.



Today, I was just going to call it in. But I was thinking as I typed this up, "Man, there are so many opportunities today that it doesn't make sense to wallow in self pity and doubt...and just pick some thing and run with it."

I actually did say that to myself.

20 years ago -- heck, 5 years ago -- the opportunities that exist today certainly didn't exist then.

If you're having a hard time earning any income from your online business, it's probably due to one of two things:
  1. You're "stuck." You're trying so many things, not giving them enough time, and failing at all of them.
  2. You're "stuck." (I know I put "you're stuck" in both points.) You haven't tried anything because you just don't know where to start.
Fortunately, the antidote to both of the above problems is the same.

Pick ONE THING. What turns you on? (No, not like that, OR maybe, yes, just like that...whatever floats your boat.)

See it through. It doesn't have to be perfect. In fact, if you try to make it perfect, you "stick" in another way.

Nope -- get to 80 percent and move on.

The whole point of an online business is (semi-)passive income. You build "a thing" that runs itself.

For example, you write a book and publish it on Amazon's Kindle platform. Besides promoting your book, there is nothing else you have to do: No fulfillment, no follow up emails, no customer support. Heck, Amazon does most of the promotion for you, so you don't even have to spend a lot of time doing that.

Let's say you start an Amazon affiliate site. You "sell" products in a niche that people want to buy. Set up the site, "SEO" it, do some promos and guest posts, run some Facebook ads, and the rest is automated.

Don't waste a ton of time on this stuff, folks. Build simple little systems that run autonomously. Then move on. Create another one. And another.

Pretty soon, you're earning a good passive income.

Sure, you have to do some maintenance and keep the content fresh...but that's a few minutes per site a week.

Don't make this too hard.


Alright, I'm off my soapbox. Onto my latest project, Free Book Search Club.

Today, I found these books and got them for myself:
  1. The Power of Free on Amazon Kindle - Harness the power of free promotions to increase visibility and turbo-charge sales using KDP Select
  2. Against The Odds: How An 18 Year Old Kid Made $2 Million Dollars In A Year
  3. TRAVEL for FREE: How to score FREE Flights, Rental Cars & Accommodations, dramatically reduce Airfares, Get paid to Travel & START a DIGITAL NOMAD BIZ ... in the World!
  4. Slow cooker cookbook: The Best Crock Pot Recipes with Smart Points for Rapid Weight Loss (Low Carb Diet, Clean Eating, Instant Pot Recipes,Paleo Diet, Meal Prep, Ketogenic Diet, Smart Points)
  5. Scale Up: How to Successfully Scale Your Ecommerce Business to Millions
  6. Unlimited Happiness: A Proven Formula To Create Health, Wealth And Happiness
Oh, and I STILL want this one, though it's not free - Warnings: Finding Cassandras to Stop Catastrophes (hint: Father's Day is coming up, and while I may not be your father, I am a father, so there's that!)

Thanks for reading. Make it a great day!

Like these books I found for you? Consider becoming a member of Free Book Search Club. It won't cost you a penny, a nickle, or a dime.


Disclaimer: Some links I mention in my emails are to resources where I'm an affiliate. When you click and decide to buy, I earn a commission. I'm proud to recommend those resources I've purchased, reviewed, or personally use. You should always perform your own due diligence before buying from anyone via the Internet or offline.