Quit your job and write a book instead

Published: Thu, 03/23/17

Like all of us, I bet you've had more than one job in your life.

You know, one of those things where you get a regular paycheck in return for setting aside 8, 10, 16 hours of your day...

And I have to tell you: Having a job does bring a bit of order and security to your life.

It does. I won't lie.

Even though having a job today offers a lot less security than it did, say, 20 years ago.

Hell, even 5 years ago.

I envision a day when there won't be many "jobs" left. Of course, there will always be work to do.

But with the emergence of robotics, artificial intelligence, and companies whose main focus is not on you but on the bottom line (nothing at all new here), it makes sense to--at the very least--prepare for that day where you're "jobless."

Yet not "workless." Or, as many people feel when they lose their job - worthless.

Nope. You're not worthless. And you're better than making a ton of dough for somebody else.

Of course, I'm the last guy to suggest you up and quit your job. That's NOT sound advice.

Here's what I do recommend: Start a "side business." Get clients. Sell products or services. Earn a following. Build relationships. Earn a side income.

When, and ONLY when, your side income surpasses your regular Joe-job income should you consider quitting that regular paycheck.

I'm here to tell you that the freelance or entrepreneurial way is not without it's pitfalls:

There's nothing worse (to me) than not knowing how you're going to pay your rent. Or eat.


Changing gears a bit...

One of the BEST side jobs (or in popular parlance, "side hustles") you can start is writing books. Become an author. The barrier to entry today is literally ZERO. 

Sure, doing it the "traditional" way still confronts you with hurdle after hurdle.

Don't do it the old-fashioned way. Instead, self publish.

Or start an online business.

Or read this. I love James Altucher's work. And this is a great offer. Lots of great ideas, strategies, and game plans here.

Other books you'll want to read:
All the people who wrote those books above got to experience being an author without all the hassles of old-time publishing BS. They didn't need a publisher, a publicist (though that still helps), or any of the malarkey of getting 100 rejection letters before they were published.

Instead, they typed up a book in Word and uploaded it to Amazon. Instant (Kindle) book publishing. And now they even let you publish paperbooks through KDP.

Amazon does most of the hard work.

It's not a bad model. In fact, it's pretty damned good.

You should try it.

Oh, you think you're not an author? Let's change that mindset, okay? Interested in learning how to publish your own books? Reply. We'll talk.

Try Audible - it's how I "read" most of my books nowadays

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