Suck it up buttercup! How to beat procrastination

Published: Wed, 11/30/16

Here's a little story. I encourage you to read it.
John Kenneth Galbraith was one of the great economists of all time.
He spent more than 50 years as a professor at Harvard University.
He wrote 48 books.
He wrote over 1000 essays and reports and research for journals, and he was an absolute superstar.
One day late in his life, a journalist interviewed him about writing.
He said, “What did you learn from your career in writing?”
He said, “I learned something very interesting, that the quality of the writing I do on the days I don’t feel like it is just as good as the quality of writing I do on the days I do feel like it.”
So take this lesson from a real writer.
Just because you don’t feel like it doesn’t mean you’re not going to do it well.
Read the full article here.

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PS - This email started out as just the Galbraith story above. But it turned into a full blog post about how to beat procrastination. When you feel like it (heehee), go read it. Thanks!

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